Thursday, 15 November 2012

Acerbitas / Light Collapse Split CDr Out Now On Victimolgy Rec.

Acerbitas / Light Collapse Split CDr out now on the excellent Victimolgy Rec.
"Light Collapse and Acerbitas are here paired on this cdr where each create walls which threaten to disrupt the equilibrium of the Universe as we know it.With Light Collapse we get nothing less than a Wall so dense that the mass swallows the listener to a singular point where they are crushed and pummeled into a state where everything is no longer recognisable. A brutal assault on the senses where recovery is questionable.England's Acerbitas is also know for his work as Zerbra Mu and as the man behind the excellent noise label Quagga Curious Sounds and here provides the inevitable aftermath to the aforementioned annihilation. Two tracks of desolate, barren harshness invoke the notion that nothing is well and the will be no happy end to this. Ever!" -label desciption
Pro-done CDr with digital printed artwork in clear plastic sleeve, edition 30 copies.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

'Absolutism' CDr Out Now

A 28 minute raw wall recorded in one take with no mastering or editing.
Edition of 17 copies.